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Web Development Languages

Fundamentals Course


In this lesson, we will delve into the fundamental languages of web development, exploring their roles and functionalitites in creating dynamic and interactive websites.

Lesson overview

In this lesson overview, you will find a comprehensive outline of the topics covered in each section.

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
  • JavaScript

Hypertext Markup Language

HTML logo HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is an essential building block of every web page. HTML's pri purpose is to list the content used in the web page. HTML wll display text, labels, lists, insert photos and other media, create hyperlinks, buttons, and containers. This is all done with appropriate HTML elements.

Cascading Style Sheet

CSS logo CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, is used to style and format the appearance of HTML elements, enhancing the visual presentation of web content.


JS logo JavaScript is a versatile programming language used to add interactivity, functionality, and dynamic behavior to web pages, allwoing for user interactions and dynamic content updates.