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Fundamentals Course


The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with other computers as long as they are both connected to the Internet. Information can travel via the internet via a variety of languages called Protocols.


In this lesson overview, you will find a comprehensive outline of the topics covered in each section.

  • How does Internet work?
  • Protocols
  • Packets
  • Web Servers
  • HTTP
  • URL
  • What is DNS and how it works?
  • What is Domain name?
  • Web Hosting
  • Web Browsers

How does the internet work?

Isn't the internet a vast network of connections? Well, routers and switches are the hidden heroes who make it all possible. Routers transmit data between networks, while switches keep things running smoothly within a single network. They work together to let our computers to communicate and retrieve information stored on remote servers.


The creators of the Internet needed to overcome the challenge of connecting computers with different hardware and software. They solved this by establishing standardized protocols, which are sets of rules for communication and data formatting. These protocols include Ethernet for local network communication, IP for inter-network communication, TCP for ensuring packet delivery and order, and HTTP for formatting data for websites and applications. Additionally, there are protocols for routing, testing, encryption, and alternative protocols like UDP for streaming video. These standardized protocols enable all Internet-connected devices to communicate effectively, regardless of their differences.


This passage explains the concept of packets in computer networking. It compares the process of sending data over the internet in packets to the construction of the Statue of Liberty, where the statue was shipped in pieces and assembled at its destination. Packets contain data and a header specifying how to handle the data. They are routed independently by networking devices like routers and switches, allowing for efficient transmission. Packet switching enables multiple users to utilize the internet simultaneously without overwhelming the network.


Web Servers

Web Server acts as the internet's powerhouse, responding to requests from users all around the web using HTTP and other protocols. Its important job? Providing website content using storing, processing, and distributing webpages. In addition to HTTP, web servers handle protocols such as SMTP for email and FTP for file transmission. Consider it the ultimate multitasker of the internet world!.

Web Server


You will notice that there is a word called "domain name" in the definition of the web server discussion.


HTTP is the web's foundation. When you click on a link, it loads the webpage. This protocol allows devices to interact across networks. Basically, the device you're using requests a webpage, and the server sends it. Simple as that!


A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) sometimes termed a Web Address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network or the internet. These URLs or URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) are transferred to web servers for requests to specific web documents or HTML pages.

URL can be likened to an address in real life. Just as an address identifies the location of a physical building or place, a URL identifies the location of a specific resource on the internet, such as a web page, image, video, or document.

What is DNS?

The Domain Name System (DNS) plays a vital role on the internet, essentially serving as a translator between comprehensible domain names, like, and numerical IP addresses, such as, that computers understand. Every internet-linked device has its own IP address. DNS servers are responsible for connecting domain names to these IP addresses, guiding the process that ensures your request reaches the correct website when you enter its address. In essence, DNS functions as a digital phone book for seamless internet navigation.

How DNS Work?

The process of converting domain names, such as, into IP addresses, such as, is known as DNS resolution. An IP address can be used to find an internet-connected device, just like a street address does. Your browser silently performs an DNS search in the background when you type the name of a website, converting the name into the correct address. It is completely automatic so the user doesn't need to be involved!

What is Domain Name?

A domain name is a website's equivalent to a physical address. It consists of a name and an extension. It helps users easily find your website and eliminates the need to memorize the site's internet protocol (IP) address. On top of all, domain names are key to the internet infrastructure.

These are the example domain names:

  • .com - Commercial Site
  • .gov - Government SIte
  • .edu - Educational Institution Site
  • .net - Network Site
  • .org - Organizational Site
  • .biz - Business Site
  • .mil - Military Site

What is Web Hosting?

Buying room on the internet for your website is similar to web hosting. The files and data for your website are stored on a physical server that is managed by a web host after you pay for a hosting plan. They take care of everything, from maintaining the server's performance to ensuring the security of your website. To put it quickly they ensure that visitors to your website will safely and easily access it.

Web Browsers

A Web Browser or simply Browser is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display content on the World Wide Web, including web pages, images, videos, and other files. As a client/server model, the browser is the client that runs on a computer and contacts the web server to request for information. The web server sends the information back to the browser which displays the results on the computer or other internet enabled device that supports a browser.

This is the list of the browser that you can use

  • Google Chrome

    chrome-browser Google Chrome is a free web browser developed by Google, used for accessing web pages on the internet. As of March 2022, it is the most popular web browser of choice worldwide, with more than 62% of the web browser market share. Google Chrome is also a cross-platform browser, meaning some versions work on different computers, mobile devices, and operating systems. According to Statista, Google Chrome for Android is the most used version, holding more than 36% of the global web browser market share as of January 2022.

  • Mozilla Firefox

    firefox-browser Mozilla Firefox is nothing but a Web Bowser, with which one can access the internet. The web browser lets one access information in form of text, audio, images, and videos from all around the world. Mozilla Firefox was developed by Mozilla Foundation in 2002 under the Phoenix community. Nowadays, it is called Firefox only as it is derived from Mozilla Web Browser it is also known as Mozilla Firefox.

  • Opera Browser

    opera-browser The original Opera web browser was released in 1995, as the result of a research project of a Norwegian telecommunications company. Since that time, the browser has received multitudes of updates in response to new innovations, and to keep pace with new technological innovations. Opera has a fast development cycle and experiments with new features and updates every two weeks.

  • Microsoft Edge

    edge-browser Microsoft Edge has undergone a transformation, moving away from its proprietary technology to rebuild itself on the Chromium foundation, which powers Google Chrome. With Microsoft's optimizations and added features, it offers a compelling browsing experience. Initially launched as Project Spartan to replace Internet Explorer, the original Edge lacked popularity compared to Chrome. However, the revamped Edge aims to compete more effectively in the browser market.

  • Safari Browser

    safari-browser Safari is the default web browser for Apple devices, including iPhones, iPads, and macOS. It was initially released in 2003 and was available on Windows until 2012. Safari's popularity increased with the rise of iPhone and iPad, and it now holds about 54% of the mobile browser market share in the US. It allows users to browse websites, save favorites, and open multiple tabs. Safari is built using the WebKit engine and was one of the first to support HTML5. The latest versions for macOS and iOS are 11.1 and 12.1 respectively, with features to prevent cross-site tracking.

  • Maxthon Browser

    maxthon-browser Maxthon was designed to support blockchain apps and make it easier for users to access them. Released in 2002, this Chromium-based browser is compatible with Android, Linux, Windows, and macOS. Currently, it's available in 53 different languages.

  • Brave

    brave-browser Brave is a free web browser that launched in 2016 with the intention of protecting users' privacy, blocking online advertisements, and rewarding website owners with cryptocurrency payments.

    In early 2017, Brave launched its own cryptocurrency token, Basic Attention Token (BAT), which is used to make payments. Later that same year, Brave began to expand beyond supporting websites to share BAT payments with YouTube and Twitch video creators. In late 2018, Brave announced plans to enable BAT tipping to post creators on Twitter and Reddit.